Kourtney Kardashian gets weaning advice from Kathie Lee Gifford

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Kourtney and Kim Kardashian were on the Today Show yesterday to promote their upcoming reality show, Kourtney and Kim Take NY. It looked at times like Kim was totally over Kourtney, and like she resented it when Kathie Lee and Hoda were asking Kourteney questions instead of focusing on her. If Kim’s face was capable of conveying normal human emotions I would say that I saw flashes of contempt. (Around 3:10 in)

As is typical for this family, they shared a faux embarassing personal story about how Kourtney’s boobs were leaking while she was on the plane away from her son, Mason, who turned one on December 19. Kim clearly does not approve that Kourtney is still nursing her son, or maybe her last restylane injections just settled wrong. Kourteney said she wasn’t sure she was ready to stop breastfeeding, and Kathie Lee told her how to help dry out her boobs using cabbage and bandages. Kathie Lee explained that she had to do this for a hosting gig at the Miss America pageant six weeks after her daughter Cassidy was born.

Kim on how Kourtney doesn’t apologize
Kourtney will try and find the thing that gets you the most. She wants to make you cry and she never says sorry.

Kim makes Kourtney’s boob issue about her
Let’s start with the fact that I’m sleeping on the plane and she wakes me up on the flight here going ‘I just went into the bathroom and I squeezed my boob and all this milk came out because I forgot my pump I packed it.’

Kourtney on her painful boobs
Since then I’ve had these massive lumps in my boobs, they’re huge and rock hard. So I just twittered [for help]. Right now I have a sticker on me that tingles.

Kathie Lee on how to wean
When I had to do Miss American pageant six weeks after Cass was born, somebody told me if you want to wean you put very cold cabbage leaves on you, then you wrap yourself in an ace bandage. Some natural chemical is released from the cabbage and the milk dries out.

Kourtney on her weaning
And then I was crying too, because I don’t know if I’m done.

Kourtney on how things are good with Scott
He’s been good for almost a year

[From The Today Show, aired 1-19-10, video above]

I had a similar issue when I was nursing and just used really hot washcloths. It can be dangerous if you get a clogged duct and it needs to be treated right away.

Getting back to these twits, I’ve only seen clips of their various shows and have no desire to start watching now. I can be convinced, though, because I know what a sheer pleasure it is to watch other reality shows like the RHOBH. Judging from the stunts these two pull I’m guessing that the Kardashian shows are more about creating faux drama and scripted plotlines and less about natural catfights and bitchiness. Although I would guess that Kim can bring the nasty if any of her sisters are getting more attention than she is.







Photos are of Kim and Kourtney outside the Late Show on 1/18/11. Credit: WENN.com
