Kate Winslet called rude, mean and nasty by Massachusetts locals

You know I’m not currently a member of The Kate Winslet Fan Club, but as I read this story in Radar/Star Magazine, I did feel a surge of sympathy for Winslet. The story actually reminds me of a tabloid story about Meryl Streep that we covered a few months ago – remember how one of Meryl’s Connecticut neighbors was all “OMG, Meryl is such a bitch!!”? That’s what this is like. Kate Winslet is working on a film in Massachusetts – I‘m including some photos of her at work (with Ned RockNRoll in tow). Apparently, Winslet isn’t super-friendly with the residents of this small town. So now the locals are flocking to the tabloids to bitch about Winslet.

The real Kate Winslet may not be nearly as sweet as her on screen persona! Kate rudely snubbed her adoring fans in the small town of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts recently while shooting her new movie Labor Day and Star magazine has exclusive details about her shockingly bad behavior.

“Kate was so rude, she never once acknowledged any of us, I was devastated,” hopeful fan Shanna Swan told Star. “She gave dirty looks to people in my town who waited hours to see her.”

Shanna grew up in the small town and has been a huge fan of Kate’s since she was a child and said the actress was received with open arms from the town’s people. “Upon her arrival everyone was yelling ‘Kate we love you!’ and you could hear everyone gasping with excitement when her black Cadillac pulled up.”

She said she had been waiting in the rainy cold weather with her young children to see the Oscar winning actress and was surprised when Kate refused to acknowledge the crowd of fans.

“I could feel and hear the excitement of everyone around me saying ‘OMG is that Kate? When is she coming?’ and there were lots of excited senior citizens. I witnessed several seniors asking the production staff if Kate would come and talk to fans and there were roughly 100 people waiting for her.”

Unfortunately, Shanna said Kate refused to look at the crowd and completely ignored everyone waiting to meet her.

“She always plays such warm people on the big screen, I thought she would be kind, so when she was mean, I was crushed,” Shanna said. “I watched The Titantic 13 times when I was 12 years old, and Kate wouldn’t even look up for a second to acknowledge we were all adoring her.”

“Everyone in town was really hurt, and I could hear people calling her name. After she took off, one lady right next to me specifically said, ‘Wow. How rude was that?’”

Now everyone in the small town is talking about Kate’s behavior, “She was just plain nasty. Kate was only on set for a short time and jumped back in her Cadillac and took off, without even a wave or thank you or a smile for us.”

“This was the first celebrity I’ve seen in my lifetime, and sadly the experience was hurtful to me and my entire town. Kate Winslet really left a bitter taste in our mouths.”

[From Radar]

So Kate is a massive bitch for just putting her head down and going to work rather than glad-handing the populace like a politician? She’s not running for office – she isn’t required to spend time with random people milling about. That being said… she could have spent some time with the locals, but I think the problem is bad staff work on the part of the film production and Team Winslet. Surely a producer or an assistant would have mentioned to Kate, “Hey, can you just go over there and sign a few autographs and smile for some photos? It would go a long way towards keeping the peace.” But whatever. I don’t care for Kate, but this isn’t adding any fuel to my fire.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
