Brad Pitts handwriting shows he needs his space, says expert

OK! Magazine quotes a handwriting expert who analyzes Brad Pitt’s scrawled message on the bottle of Kiehl’s soap he’s endorsing for an environmental charity. The results are surprisingly controversial, considering that you don’t often hear people jumping to debatable conclusions when it comes to Pitt and the mother of his children. The “handwriting expert” calls Brad “this writer,” but considering the content of the message she was reviewing you can be sure she knew who she was referring to. She says that Pitt is someone who feels things deeply, but keeps his emotions hidden, and that he needs to have his space and spend time alone.

Writing expert Wendy Carlson analyzed Brad’s longhand note and signature from the bottle of the Kiehl’s “Aloe Vera” biodegradable liquid body cleanser he helped create. All the profits will be donated to 44 year-old Brad’s own environmental charity JPF Ecosystems. “This writer is a person of emotional reserve, not showing his feelings easily,” Denver-based Carlson says, “although his feelings may run deep.”

This father of six might also want to rethink expanding his family. “This writer enjoys spending time alone, enjoys his privacy, and probably prefers working alone,” Carlson says. “He needs his space!”

[From OK! Magazine, print edition, September 8, 2008]

Handwriting analysis is inexact to say the least. There is no certification required to become a handwriting expert, and there are only four colleges in the world which provide graphology degrees and they’re located in Italy, Spain, and Argentina. It’s inadmissable in court, and handwriting evidence is only allowed when it’s forensic, which is when someone testifies if signatures or writing are roughly similar to other writing by a suspect. It is not admissible in court as a way to interpret the mental state or personality of a writer. [Details from Wikipedia]

So take this for what it is – creative interpretation of someone’s handwriting that may or may not be true. Maybe horoscopes are more accurate. Here’s Brad Pitt’s birth analysis. He’s a Sagittarius and is said to value personal integrity, freedom and faith. Maybe his handwriting analysis isn’t that far off. I usually don’t put too much faith in horoscopes, but a relative sent me an extended horoscope analysis for my son when he was born and so far a lot of it has proven to be close to the personality he’s grown into.
